Review of opening night of L’elisir d’amore, September 26, 2021

Lyric’s cast is stellar. Castronovo is one of the world’s finest tenors, and he brought the full power of his warm, virile voice to the role. The opera’s most famous aria, “Una furtiva lagrima (A single secret tear),” is a showcase for tenors, and Castronovo’s performance took us into the deepest recesses of its slow, uncluttered melodies. Aided by an empathic orchestra, his simple, lyrical phrases had room to breathe. Encouraged by Adina’s hidden tear, Nemorino begins to believe she might actually care for him. Savoring the silences between phrases, sending Donizetti’s heartfelt melodies to Lyric’s rafters, Castronovo revealed the full force of Nemorino’s hopeful yearning.

And, like the rest of his cast, he is a skillful actor. Thoroughly soused after chugging the full bottle of elixir, he was no longer the impoverished, timid, love-sick waiter. Donning sunglasses, tying his necktie around his head, for one brief, hilarious moment Nemorino was an Italian Elvis, one with absolutely no plans to leave the building. (Wynne Delacoma for the Sun Times)

… and from Hedy Weiss | September 30, 2021

It is to the credit of Slater and his cast — and above all, to Castronovo, who captures every emotional nuance of his character to touching effect — that you will find yourself laughing, crying and winningly transported to a world where love triumphs (if just barely) over opportunism. Hedy Weiss (Follow Hedy Weiss on Twitter: @HedyWeissCritic)